Friday, December 14, 2007

Organic fillet steak with green peppercorn sauce

This was my first time at this-usually I just enjoy it at restaurants! I found lots of folk out on the www looking for a quick, easy and tasty peppercorn sauce(myself include) and I now have an answer!!

T-Tablespoon, t-teaspoon
Finely chopped small onion
1 T Olive oil and 1 t of butter if feeling naughty
1 T green peppercorn(from jar in brine)
1-2T of Brandy
single cream
S n P
minced garlic less than 1 clove
reserved veg stock (used from my pots & brocolli water)

2 organic fillet steaks

Take steaks out about 20mins before cooking to bring to roomtemp.
In a small frying pan:
heat olive oil and add onion and garlic
fry for about 5 mins
add peppercorns and season(nb. peppercorns will be salty from brine)
keep this on a low heat while you cook your steak
When Steak pan is empty
deglaze with 6-10T stock and another swish of Brandy(1-2T)
flambee if you feel brave-I didn't
Add deglazed liquid to peppercorn mixture
add a swish 1-2T of single cream heat and serve!

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