Sunday, May 11, 2008


I must use up the vegetables that lurk at the back of the fridge threatening to go off. A news report this week about the amount of waste in domestic kitchens sent me running to the forgotten corners of my fridge. I found that the ingredients needing imminent care spelt out ratatouille! I find the quickest way to make this dish is to oven roast. I used:
  • 1 aubergine
  • 1 yellow pepper and green pepper
  • 3-4 leeks
  • 2-3 spring onions(usually I use red onions)
  • 1/2 a tin of plum tomatoes (usually I may add 1 tin, but I used up what was open)
  • 2-3 fresh tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary from the garden:)

I chopped all the veg to roughly the same size and placed in a large plastic food bag. Next I added a glug of olive oil, sea salt(adjust if adding tamari too), pepper,balsamic vinegar, chille and ginger sauce and 1 fresh green chillie halved.

Gave a good shake in the bag to combine and placed in a rectangle deep baking dish. I added the tinned tomatoes at this stage and covered with foil and placed in oven with baking potatoes. 180C for about an hour(time taken for spuds).
I removed the foil for the last 15 mins of cooking time.

I served this with Baked pots and salad but will use the left overs with pasta.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just found your blog today and I am so excited to explore it! I am trying my best to change our eating habits and want to go organic as much as I can.
